Now that I'm somewhat settled, let me fill you in on what's been going on:
Super-sweet housing situation! Rejoining society after a big roadtrip can be tough, and since I was looking for cheap housing in Boulder (oxymoron), I figured I'd end up in some rat hole apartment. Not the case! For cheaper that any crappy place in Boulder, I moved into a room in an amazing house in Superior, CO. Boulder is just 15-20 minutes away, and Eldo, my home away from home, is just 10 minutes from my doorstep. Brendon, who owns the house, is a rad dude and also a climber, and Sam and Andrew, my other two roommates, are adventurous and agreeable dudes.

Fall Indian Creek trip! I can't get enough of the dirtbag lifestyle, so I made my fall pilgramage to the "Center of the Universe": da Creek! Many fine folks, old friends and new, were in attendance, and with fine weather much radness was accomplished.
Ongoing action at the local crags! With Eldo back as my homebase, and tons of motivated locals to get out with, this winter should be a fine one on the Front Range. Notable Eldo action so far: The Wisdom (12a), Hands in the Clouds (12a), Onsight of "Brand New Cadillac (11R), Mellow Fellow (11c), Scary Canary (Just P1 so far, 11d R), and a sub 2 hour roundtrip on The Naked Edge (with Rob K, who has been the partner for much of this season's sending). Hopes are high for some harder projects, possibly Huck Off (12b), Practice Climb 101 (12c), Superfly (12d R), 2nd Pitch of Scary Canary (12 R), the Evictor (12d), and probably others.