Wednesday, January 12, 2011

como se dice "STOKED"!

Granite crack climbing in 14 easy steps

2011 is here, and I'm ready for some adventure. In case you're wondering what my plans are for the new year, check here.

So as training for the upcoming excursión a Patagonia, mi amigo Blake and I headed down to Colorado's own outdoor granite crack gym, the South Platte. Attempting to maximize daylight and mileage, we worked our way down the Cathedral Spires ridge, hitting up some of the most classic pitches in the Platte. Here's how it went down:

the sharp-eyed with of course note that, in the "Mississippi Half Step" segment, we changed t-shirts for the far-off photos. Actually, the photos are from a few months back when our friend Garrett Grove paid a visit and joined us for a Tour de Platte. Thanks Garrett!

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